Top 10 Vegan Infuencers to follow

Top 10 Vegan Infuencers to follow
  1. Venetia La Manna (@venetialamanna) - She promotes sustainable and cruelty-free fashion choices and shares her insights on ethical living.

  2. Sustainably Chic (@sustainablychic) - This influencer showcases eco-friendly and vegan fashion brands, highlighting their stylish and sustainable products.

  3. Molly Tavoletti (@fashionveggie) - Molly combines her passion for veganism and fashion, offering inspiration for cruelty-free outfits and sharing her sustainable lifestyle tips.

  4. Valeria Hinojosa (@waterthruskin) - Valeria promotes vegan fashion alongside conscious living, showcasing her vibrant and ethical fashion choices.

  5. Stephanie Villavicencio (@happyandvegan) - Stephanie shares her love for vegan fashion, offering outfit ideas that are both stylish and cruelty-free.

  6. Sarah Anne Stewart (@sarahannestewart) - As a wellness advocate, Sarah incorporates vegan fashion into her holistic lifestyle, inspiring her followers to make ethical fashion choices.

  7. Negin Mirsalehi (@negin_mirsalehi) - Negin is a prominent influencer who often highlights vegan and sustainable fashion brands, incorporating them into her chic and trendy outfits.

  8. Niomi Smart (@niomismart) - Niomi is an advocate for sustainable living, including vegan fashion. She shares her ethical fashion choices and provides insights into living a conscious lifestyle.

  9. Marta Canga (@martacanga) - Marta combines her love for fashion and sustainability, showcasing her vegan outfit ideas and promoting ethical fashion brands.

  10. Rachel Ama (@rachelama_) - Rachel is a vegan lifestyle and fashion influencer. She shares her passion for cruelty-free fashion and offers tips on incorporating veganism into everyday life.

Also watch out for some amazing micro-influencers below: 

  1. Kristen Leo (@kristenleo) - Kristen is a prominent vegan fashion influencer known for her sustainable and cruelty-free fashion choices.

  2. Jenny Mustard (@jennymustard) - Jenny is a minimalist fashion influencer who promotes vegan and sustainable fashion, along with a simple and mindful lifestyle.

  3. Niha Elety (@thecuratedplanet) - Niha shares her love for sustainable and vegan fashion, emphasizing the importance of conscious consumerism.

  4. Sophie Steevensz (@sophiesteevensz) - Sophie showcases her vegan fashion looks and highlights cruelty-free brands, aiming to inspire her followers to make compassionate fashion choices.

  5. Aniela Sophie (@anielasophie) - Aniela is a vegan fashion blogger who combines her passion for fashion with sustainable and ethical choices, encouraging her audience to do the same.

  6. Edgars Mission (@edgarsmission) - Edgars Mission is an animal sanctuary that shares posts featuring stylish vegan fashion choices while promoting animal rights.

  7. Faye De Lanty (@fayedelanty) - Faye is a sustainable stylist and vegan fashion advocate, sharing tips and tricks for creating stylish outfits with second-hand and vegan pieces.

  8. Zanna Van Dijk (@zannavandijk) - Zanna is a vegan fitness and fashion influencer who promotes ethical and sustainable fashion choices, alongside a healthy and active lifestyle.

  9. Justine Kept Calm and Went Vegan (@justinekeptcalmandwentvegan) - Justine shares her vegan fashion finds and inspires her followers to embrace cruelty-free and sustainable clothing options.

  10. Rae Ritchie (@rae.ritchie) - Rae is a vegan fashion influencer who combines her love for fashion with activism, promoting ethical and sustainable fashion choices.

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